Three Sides app for iPhone and iPad
First release : 04 Jan 2015
App size: 2.85 Mb
A flashcard app for language learning, where every card has three sides.
Why three? When studying languages it can be helpful to not just have the word in the other language and your language, but to also have some extra information:
* alternate scripts, for example Traditional and Simplified Chinese, or Kanji and Hiragana for Japanese,
* pronunciation tips or phonetics (IPA),
* transliteration or transcription into another script, such as Pinyin or Romaji,
* a third language, maybe a dialect or your native language,
* other things we havent thought of!
Vocabulary lists are treated as decks of cards in Three Sides. By default, Three Sides comes with a sample deck of the *Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 5* vocabulary. Tap on the "JLPT5" deck name to start looking at cards.
Tap each side (pink rectangle) to hide or show it. Swipe right-to-left to show another card, and swipe left-to-right to show the previous card. Use the button at the top, or a left-edge-to-right swipe to go back to the list of decks.